League of Legends Coaching is a way for an experienced person to offer guidance, strategies, and feedback to players of any skill level. A coach may offer their services through video analysis, live one-on-one sessions, or team coaching. Regardless of the method, coaching is crucial for anyone looking to become a better League player.
Peter Dun, a League of Legends Coaching esports coach for the MAD Lions, believes that a coach’s role in a professional team is often underestimated. The fact that they don’t play the game themselves means their contribution is often overlooked, but “they are the ones behind some of the biggest teams to win ever.”
Whether it’s improving their mechanical skills or learning how to effectively navigate the laning phase, many League of Legends players turn to coaches to help them improve their gameplay. A League of Legends coach can teach you how to land skill shots, optimize your item builds, and master your champion’s abilities. They can also assist with macro decision-making and positioning, which are key factors in successful team play.
Strategy coaches are also tasked with identifying their competition’s weaknesses and finding ways to exploit them. This is done through watching and analyzing their competition’s games, noting the most common ward placements, recall locations, and jungle routes. By observing their competition’s every move, strategy coaches can predict how the other team will play and make changes in their own strategy to give themselves an edge.
A good League of Legends coach can make or break a professional team, but it’s important to note that not all coaches are created equal. While some esports coaches are just there to guide their players through the grind, others take on a more hands-on approach to the game, which is why it’s so important to do your research before choosing one.
One of the most important things a League of Legends coach can do is build their player’s self-esteem. They can also encourage players to develop their mental strength, which is crucial for achieving success in the competitive scene. They can even help them find a balance between their career in the League of Legends and real-life responsibilities.
In the end, a League of Legends coach’s role might seem trivial on the surface, but it’s what has led to some of the most memorable League of Legends victories. Taking the time to find the right League of Legends coach is well worth it for any serious gamer.
During a lesson, you play in lane with your coach and discuss your decisions and mistakes. They might also advise you on what champions are best to play at the moment and how to adapt to the current meta. A good coach can help you achieve ranked success with consistent practice and an open mind to learning. They can also teach you how to communicate with your teammates and prepare for a professional career in the league.